$81.38 worth of merchandise for $17.10 after taxes!!!!!!

I feel like I have finally graduated to the status of a seasoned coupon shopper.

I went shopping with coupons at Wal-Mart tonight, and I feel like I did a pretty amazing job!  This was the first time that I required a manager override for the amount of coupons I had.  That was nerve racking to say the least!  Standing there watching the customer service manager go through each coupon to make sure it was okay for her to override it. 

Anybody know the coupon limit, so I don't have to get an approval again?

Here is what I got:

(6) Bagel-Fuls 6 x $1.88 = $11.28

(6) Healthy Choice Meals 4 x $2.00 & 2 x $2.50 = $13.00

(2) Oscar Mayer Bun Length Weiners 2 x $1.50 = $3.00

(1) Great Value Honey Ham Luncheon Meat $3.18

(1) Great Value Shredded Cheese $1.88

(1) Pillsbury Simply cookie dough $2.84

(3) Starbucks Ice Cream pints 3 x $3.00 = $9.00

(1) Great Value Sour Cream $1.00

(1) Great Value Hamburger Patties $6.46

(2) Brawny paper towels 2 x $1.00 = $2.00

(1) Chef Boyardee 15 oz can 88¢

(1) Wacky Mac pasta $1.42

(2) Velveeta Shells & Cheese Cups 2 x .98¢ = $1.96

(1) Success Rice $1.78

(4) Huggies Flushable wipes 4 x $1.72 = $6.88

(3) Dentek Floss picks 3 x $1.12 = $3.36

(2) Great Value loaves of bread 2 x .88¢ = $1.76

(10) Adams flea & tick collars 10 x .97¢ = $9.70

Coupons used:

-$6.00 = (6) $1 Bagel-Fuls printables

-$12.00 = (6) $2 Healthy Choice printables

-$1.00 = (1) Oscar Mayer MQ (Food & Family Magazine)

-$1.25 = (1) Pillsbury Simply printable

-$6.00 = (3) $2 Starbucks MQ

-$1.00 = (1) Chef Boyardee printable

-.75¢ = (1) Wacky Mac printable

-$1.96 = Velveeta Shells MQ (home mailer)

-$1.00 = Success Rice printable

-$6.00 = (2) $3/2 Huggies Wipe MQ

-$3.00 = (3) $1 Dentek printables

-$30.00 = (10) $3 Adams Flea & Tick MQ

My subtotal before coupons:  $81.38

After coupons:  $11.40

I spent $17.10 after taxes and coupons!  That is an 86% savings!

--- That was me all the way home.

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