An interview with MrCoupon from TLC's "Extreme Couponing"

There has been a lot of discussion and controversy surrounding the show "Extreme Couponing" which aired on TLC on Wednesday, December 29th. We got the opportunity to have Nathan Engels aka MrCoupon answer a few questions for us and we can't wait to share the interview with you. (Nathan's responses are in red.)

* Many in the internet community reacted negatively to the airing of the show.  One of the feelings expressed was that the show revealed information that would make couponing more difficult for the veterans.  As well as the feeling that the increase in coupon usage would result in an increase in fraud.  How do you respond to the criticism and do you believe that the segment will impact coupon shopping in this way?

"I am kind of surprised at the reaction of veterans.  People need to understand that there are thousands of people that need help and coupons can be one of the ways that help them.  We believe, just as those veterans do, that coupons work!  We want people who are struggling to learn to coupon so they can provide food for their families!  As for fraud, that is an individual decision.  People choose to commit crimes, and all we can do is encourage them to use coupons correctly.  In general coupons should NOT be a secret.  They are a great resource for everyone."
* We are fairly certain that "reality tv" isn't always the complete reality.  Had you been allowed to edit the final cut of "Extreme Couponing", what portions of the show would you have deleted or left intact to show the complete story?
"You are so right.  We filmed for 2 days, nearly 27 hours total.  My portion was 12-15 minutes, so you can get an idea of how it works.  I won't speak for the others, but on my portion I wish they would have show more of the donation.  They made a brief mention of that, but for us that is a HUGE part of what we do.  In general I think the production company did a good job, it's hard to show complete reality!  Here is more on the donation: "
* The show gave a large of amount of information that the beginner couponer would find difficult to digest.  What advice or tips would you offer to the average shopper just starting on their coupon journey?

"Read read read!!!  I spent hours reading when I first started out.  That is why I have written extensively about how to get started.  We have virtual classes on WUC along with hundreds of articles to help beginners.  My hope for the show was to get people's attention.  It's so hard to break through to some people that coupons can actually make a difference!!  Once we have their attention, we can teach them!"

* One of the things the show highlighted was the amount of work you do in preparing for your trips and adding to your stockpile; sometimes up to a year in advanced.  In planning for the coming new year, what changes or trends do you predict in the world of coupon shopping?

"Well I don't know where they got 'a year in advance'.  I don't believe I ever said that, nor did I imply that, but again I say it's TV.  I think changes in coupon shopping are highly tied to the economy.  If the economy worsens coupon usage will go up.  If the economy improves coupon usage will most likely go down.  Our hope and desire is to reach struggling people.  Coupons can save you money, you just have to know how to use them." 

Nathan thank you for taking the time to answer these questions for our readers.  We appreciate the hard work you and your family put into helping people navigate the world of coupons.

Go to to learn more :
  • To see Nathan's Shopping Trip (what he purchased on the show) ;
  • The TLC Donation - What Didn't Make the Cut IN PICTURES!!!;
  • Learn more about why Nathan does Food Art;
  • To register for free and ask questions;
  • To read articles about couponing and getting started;
  • To attend FREE online classes

Subscribe to FrugalTV on Youtube to watch video answers by Nathan Engels (MrCoupon) and Amanda Ostrowski (manders) from the show.



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