My Trip at Freds Doubles (8/27)

Today was my first time doing double coupons at Fred's Drug Store and I am officially hooked.

Some points to keep in mind:
  • Manufacturer coupons up to 70¢ are doubled on Saturday
  • Only 1 like coupon per transaction will be doubled
  • You may be limited to 3 transactions per hour

My store allowed me to do multiple transactions, so I was able to get a more items.  This picture represents 7 separate transactions in which I spent a total of $19.34 after $4.94 in taxes.  One of my Reach coupons was not credited, so spent $1 more than I should have.

The breakdown:

(7) Cap'n Crunch cereals @ $1.00 ea = $7.00 - (7) .50 mq's doubled  to $7 = Free

(4) Reach Toothbrushes @ $1 ea = $4.00 - (4) .50¢ mq's doubled to $7 = Free

(7) Dawn dish liquid @ $1.00 ea. = $7 - (7) .50¢ mq's doubled to $7 = Free

(7) Suave deodorants @ $1.00 ea. = $7 - (7) .50¢ mq's doubled to $7 = Free
(4) Gain dish liquid @ $1.00 ea. = $4 - (4) .50¢ mq's doubled to $4 = Free 

(2) Resolve Stain Remover @ $2.00 ea. = $4 - (2) .65¢ mq (peelies) doubled to $2.60 = $1.40 

(7) Lipton Tea Bag @ $2.00 = $14 - (7) .50¢ mq doubled to $7 = $7.00

(4) Bisquick Baking Mix @ $1.75 ea. = $7.00 - (4).50¢ mq doubled to $4 = $3.00

(4) Bounty Basic paper towels @ $1.00 ea. = $4.00 - (4).25¢ mq doubled to $2 = $2.00

(1) Sun Laundry Detergent @ $1 - $1 Instant Win coupon from Fred's Explore the Store Game Piece = FREE 

(1) King Sized M&M's @ $1 - .25¢ Instant Win coupon from Fred's Explore the Store Game Piece = .75¢

Here is a shopping trip from my shopping buddy "junkingshopper798" from her trip today at Fred's.  She also was able to do multiple shopping trips and spent a whopping $9.81 after taxes for:

(7) Dawn dish liquid
(7) Gain dish liquid
(7) Suave deodorant
(4) Bisquick baking mix
(4) Carefree pantyliner
(2) Resolve laundry treatment
(4) Cap'n Crunch
(7) Dial Soap

Thanks junkingshopper798 for sharing your awesome trip.  I bow to your superior coupon shopping skills.
* This post may include referral links. By clicking on those links I receive a small amount of points that can be redeemed for gift cards or other rewards.
