In the beginning, I found that this exercise had the potential to be the worse torture imaginable. My day was spent picking up dirty clothes in the most inventive hiding places ever, wiping up spills on surfaces I previously didn't know existed, cutting out chewing gum from the fur of a huge pile of toys, refereeing the meltdowns and/or fights between a 6 and 10 year old, being the personal chauffeur to a snarky 16 year old, and in general feeling like the hired help.
So being asked to look at those same children, the husband who sired them and say something positive (uplifting even) might be asking too much! The superpowers I possess just doesn't seem to cover that request. Sorry!
It took a few fail attempts at making this thing work for us, but eventually we got to a point that it got easier and easier. The children started digging a bit deeper to find new ways to express their appreciation for their siblings and parents. We now look forward to these times together.
Broadcast Blogger has a special deal today that will help you to create similar moments with your children. It is the I Like Book.
This book allows you to write things that you like about your children for them to read. Over the course of 12 months you are creating a family memory book one "like" at a time.
Each book costs $10 and includes free shipping. Learn more on Broadcast Bloggers and purchase yours today.
* This post may include referral links. By clicking on those links I may receive a small amount of money and/or points that can be redeemed for gift cards or other rewards.
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