I don't know about you, but I feel in desperate need of a vacation.
Groupon has some nice travel deals starting today that just might be what the doctor ordered. All deals are good through February 6, 2012.
Deal 1: Two-night stay for two with daily breakfast and dining credit at West Mountain Inn in Arlington, Vermont for $205. That's a 53% savings off the total average value.
Deal 1: Two-night stay for two with daily breakfast and dining credit at West Mountain Inn in Arlington, Vermont for $205. That's a 53% savings off the total average value.
Deal 2: $159 for a one-night stay at the West Sonoma Inn
& Spa in Guernville, California. Includes two wine tasting passes
and a bottle of wine.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Deal 3: 6 Night stay for two at the Mana Island Resort and Spa in Fiji from $949.
Deal 3: 6 Night stay for two at the Mana Island Resort and Spa in Fiji from $949.
Be sure to read the fine print on all Groupon deals before making a purchase. And when you go, share the details with us. Okay, share the G-rated details.
* This post may include referral links. By clicking on those links I may receive a small amount of money and/or points that can be redeemed for gift cards or other rewards.
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